Hi people,
It’s very frequent I got emails asking me how to use PL/SQL function and procedures in ODI.
For that, all you need is an Anonymous blocks of PL/SQL. That is all.
A single example is:
1 – Situation:
You need to call a generic ERP PL/SQL procedure that has 3 “in” parameters before starts an interface
Procedure description:
MY_PLSQL_PROC(par1 in varchar2, par2 in number, par3 in date)
- Create a ODI Procedure and one step inside
- Choose the technology as Oracle
- Choose the right Logical Schema that reach the procedure
- Write the following code:
MY_PLSQL_PROC(#ODI_var1, #ODI_var2, sysdate);
Voila!!! It’s possible to call a procedure!
And yes, I know that I showed the simplest possible case… hehehehehe!
Ok, let us go to something a little more complex:
2 – Situation:
You need to call a generic ERP PL/SQL procedure that has 2 “in” parameters and 1 “out” parameter before starts an interface. This “out” parameter brings if there is a business error.
Procedure description:
MY_PLSQL_PROC(par1 in varchar2, par2 in number, par3 out varchar2)
- Create a ODI Procedure and one step inside
- Choose the technology as Oracle
- Choose the right Logical Schema that reach the procedure
- Write the following code:
v_ret varchar2(1000);
MY_PLSQL_PROC(#ODI_var1, #ODI_var2, v_ret);
If v_ret is not null then
raise_application_error(-20001, ‘The following error is raised: ‘ || v_ret);
end if;
This code will allow you get a business error into Operator and even use the getPrevStepLog API to send an email with the error description.
Ok, can we add more complexity???
3 – Situation:
You need to call a generic ERP PL/SQL procedure that has 2 “in” parameters and 1 “out” parameter before starts an interface. This “out” needs to be passed to an ODI variable to future uses.
Procedure description:
MY_PLSQL_PROC(par1 in varchar2, par2 in number, par3 out varchar2)
- Create a ODI Procedure and 3 steps inside
- First Step
- Choose the technology as Oracle
- Choose the right Logical Schema that reach the procedure
- Write the following code:
create or replace package P$_temp as
pv_ret VARCHAR2(1000);
function get_ret return varchar2;
end P$_temp;
- Second Step
- Choose the technology as Oracle
- Choose the right Logical Schema that reach the procedure
- Write the following code:
create or replace package body P$_temp as
function get_ret return varchar2 as
return pv_ret;
end get_ret;end P$_temp;
- Third Step
- Choose the technology as Oracle
- Choose the right Logical Schema that reach the procedure
- Write the following code:
v_ret varchar2(1000);
MY_PLSQL_PROC(#ODI_var1, #ODI_var2, v_ret);
P$_temp.pv_ret := v_ret;
Now, for recover this value into a ODI variable is so simple as create the ODI variable with the following code into Refreshing tab: (use the same Logical schema as used in the procedure)
select P$_temp.get_ret
from dual
Add the procedure followed for the ODI variable (in Refresh mode) and you will have the ODI variable composed with the “OUT” value from a PL/SQL Procedure.
Well my friends, that is all. At true, it isn’t so complicated.
Any comment is highly appreciated!
Best Regards to all,
Cezar Santos
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