Hi everyone!
I’m really glad to start this site to share knowledge and exchange experiences with everyone that wants! That is an old project that only comes true because I found a really good friend and a incredible professional guy called Kshitiz Devendra who has been working hard to bring all of this to “production”, not more just a “project”.
Thanks Dev, you’re the best.
A little about me: My name is Cezar Santos and I have been working with ODI/Sunopsis since 2003, more than 6 years today. Besides that, I have always worked in the Data Integration world… At true, I started in the IT by “accident”. An accident called GAMES.
Let me try to explain, I started to “work” with computers when I was 12 or 13 years old because of games…. at that time we didn’t have Play Station, X-Box or Wii we had the TK85!!!
Take a look in its picture:

That was the “game console” in 80’s
Seems crazy but we recorded in K7 tape and “load” the program every time that you wanted to executed it. Some time it took more than 30 minutes to 1 hour and, if the k7 tape was old, some noise could make all loading be loose. Too, after typing a game program (bought in specialized magazines from that time), the K7 tape was our “CD” or HD! Besides this, there were programs from radio stations to “download” games… it was like:
“In 10 seconds the computer program transmission will start. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. GO! shhhhhiiiiii uhhhhhhh grrrrrrrrrr ziiii xxxxxxxxiiiiiii…”
Just like an old modem by half to an hour some times…. all of this to play a game with 3 or 4 colours!!!!
Let me stop to talk about it! There is a lot more to tell but this post isn’t about this! hehehehehehe…..
After got contact with the “IT” world in my childhood I studied everything that I could find about computers and here I’m today, still absolutely in love for this incredible world. I have been working for companies like IBM, Brazilian Army, Banks, Brazilian Mail Company, Health companies, TELECOM, CRM, etc in a few countries like: Brazil, USA, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Peru, Ireland, Chile (and few more) at all kind of projects and with a lot of technologies.
This is just our first post with a little about me. From now forwarding we are going to start a lot of discussions about how ODI can be used at its maximum power.
Everyone is welcome!
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