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Jython Scripts fails to recognize the module during scenario run in ODI 11g

Hi Friends!

2011… we are back! 😉

During a recent Oracle forum question i was looking at an interesting question where the user said the ODI Scenarios throws the error ‘ No module names re ‘ . Initially i thought might be the user is making some mistake but then he also wrote ‘the codes are working perfectly in the Designer’. Strange .

I thought let me do a faster run in ODI 11g and check if that is really the case and I wrote a small Jython procedure based on ‘re’ module and ran via designer no issue. Now i made the scenario and ran via startscen . Hmm same error as the user reported.

I thought ok it looks like some issue with odiparams and initial scan made me realize that path is taking <WEBLOGIC_HOME>Oracle_ODI1oraclediagent as ODI_HOME and its reading directories in it namely lib,drivers and bin . I drilled and started looking for other such path and found that <WEBLOGIC_HOME>Oracle_ODI1oracledi.sdklib had the Jython.jar and folder Lib had required Jython module , which gave me the hint that becuase of odiparams the startscen is reading from the agent directory and there is no Jython modules present so i copied the folder to under lib/Lib with all the modules and re ran the scenarios and it worked. 🙂

Although i thought of changing the path of odiparams but then it might cause other links broken so copying the Lib folder from Oracle_ODI1oracledi.sdklib to Oracle_ODI1oraclediagentlib is the easiest solution.

Thank you for following ODIExperts.com


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