
The blog for Oracle Data Integrator ( ODI )

Asynchronous -Parallel Execution

In ODI interface can be called parallel through using  odistartscen.

Step 1 – Create Scenarios of the Interface.

Step 2 .  In the package ,drag the odistartscen and provide the following details as shown below.

[ Note ;- Version = –1 calls latest scenario , so keep it –1]

In the Synchronous / Asynchronous , select the Asynchronous .

Session Name – will be visible in the Operator.


Keep doing so for all the Interface to be executed parallel  and provide the following as defined above.


Step 3 –  Finally call the odiwaitforchildsession


The  odiwaitforchildsession checks till all the parallel scenarios are executed successful or failure. The odiwaitforchildsession has to be called after such parallel execution and before Asynchronous  started if there are  interface before it.


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