This post describes how to create an single and multiple agent and how to start an scheduler agent and other information.
Step 1 – Start the Agent.bat or under oracledi/bin
Step 2 – Topology Manager – > Physical Architecture – > Agents -> Insert Agent
Provide the required information and click Test and you should get a pop – Agent Test Successful. The default Port is 20910
If you are getting this above error message , it means you have not started agent.bat or and Please do so and test again.
[ Note : – In case you wish to start an agent on another port say 20911 , go to Oracledi/bin and type agent -port=20911 and click test for successful connection . By default agent.bat or communicate on 20910 port only ]
Step 3 – Topology Manager – > Logical Architecture – > Agents -> Insert Agent
Link the Physical and Logical Agent with the required Context.
Step 4 – Editing odiparams.bat or
rem Repository Connection Information
set ODI_SECU_DRIVER=oracle.jdbc.driver.Oracle Driver
set ODI_SECU_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@WIN-Q5COCAGCSMF:1521:ORCL
- ODI_SECU_DRIVER – Provide the driver name of the Agent Technology ( for my example its Oracle )
- ODI_SECU_URL – Provide the Url of the Connection string
- ODI_SECU_USER – Master Repository User
- ODI_SECU_ENCODED_PASS – Master Repository User Password , To encode any password under oracledi /bin in command prompt or terminal type agent encode <password > for windows (or) sh encode < password> for Unix
- ODI_SECU_WORK_REP – Work Repository Name
Don’t change the ODI_USER & ODI_ENCODED_PASS from default , unless you want to run from other SUPERVISOR privilege account or you have changed the SUPERVISOR password.
Step 5 – Running an Agent
Running ODI Agent as scheduler agent
Run the agent in agentscheduler mode from oracledi/bin
agentscheduler -name=<agent_created> -port=<port_no>for Windows
sh -name=<agent_created> -port=<port_no> for Unix
To run into background run the command in Unix –
sh -name=<agent_name> -port=<port_no> &
Running ODI Agent as Windows Service
agentservice -i -s <agent_name> as Scheduler Agent
agentservice -i -a <agent_name> as Listener Agent
For help on agent service type – > agentservice – help
To start the service go to the service ( services.msc ) . Right click Start
( Or ) NET START SnpsAgent<agent_name> ( from windows common prompt)
For my example – > SnpsAgentXMT_AGENT
Running Multiple Agents.
Lets say I am creating another agent – XMT_AGENT_2 on Port –20911
Run the agent.bat or with the port number you are planning to run on.
Click Test for successful connection.
To run simultaneously agent 1 and agent 2 , we will need to make a duplicate of agentscheduler . Rename the copy to meaningful name for my example i have renamed to agentscheduler_2.bat.
Lets run both the agent simultaneously.
For creating agent on two different Server , make a copy of odiparams and agentscheduler and lets say i rename to odiparams_2.bat and agentscheduler_2.bat and
change the the agentscheduler_2.bat – >
call “%ODI_HOME%binodiparams.bat” to
call “%ODI_HOME%binodiparams_2.bat” .
Load Balancing
If you have two or three agent and you want to do Load Balancing ,
under Physical Agents – > Load Balancing check the required Agents
For scheduling using ODI Scheduler look into this earlier post Scheduling using ODI Scheduler
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